The following items will be available Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at approximately 8:00PM.
1. E-File [Update]: Notice of Appearance in Confidential Cases requires verification of party selection.

Note: Notice of Appearance filings in confidential cases will be reviewed by the judge for acceptance or rejection. Notice of Appearance rejections will be emailed to the filer with the reason for rejection.
2. E-File: [Update] Civil Case Information Statement auto-generated for D-AP case filings.

3. E-File [Correction]: Motion to Intervene filings, where the filing attorney is already on the case for another party, will no longer encounter a “generating notice” issue and the filing will be processed as expected.
- Prior to correction, the “Motion to Intervene” filing would remain in “Generating Notice” phase.
4. E-File: [Correction] Case Number and Style consistently appear in the heading of all filings into existing cases, including Answer filings and other filings with a Filing Lookup tab.
- Time-saving feature prevents filer from navigating back to Case Lookup tab to verify case ID before submission.
- Prior to correction, the Case Number and Style did not display once the user navigated past the Filing Lookup tab.
5. E-File [Correction]: Body (Replace Template) feature fixed on Order Editor.
- Body (Replace Template): Deletes all content in Order Editor (Exceptions: Auto-generated Case Style, Title, and Judge’s signature), then Inserts content from uploaded document into body of Order in Order Editor.
Note: Body (Replace Template) replaces templates, text, and imported content.
6. E-File: [Correction] Circuit Clerk information displays correctly on the Notice of Filing (Transmittal).
- Prior to correction, the words “COURT” and “County” were missing on the document.