Frequently Asked Questions about West Virginia E-Filing

How do I register for WV E-File?
How do I verify my WV E-File account?
How do I log into WV E-File?
Which web browser is recommended for WV E-File?
What is WV E-File?
What rule governs WV E-File?
How is the case number entered in case lookup screen, I am getting an error?
General Information
What is a “No Fee” filing?
How do I change my password?
Who uses WV E-File?
Where is WV E-File?
Is electronic filing mandatory?
How do I pay for filing and service fees?
Will the initial filing be submitted also in paper form?
How is initial service completed on a new case filing?
How do I authorize someone to act on my behalf in WV E-File?
How do I designate staff to receive my E-File notifications?
What happens if WV E-File is down?
How do I know that my filing was successful?
Can I E-File into an existing case that was not originally filed through WV E-File?
Will the system automatically notify other counsel when some action happens within the case?
Can attorneys not licensed to practice in WV file into WV E-File?
Will documents be sealed or marked as confidential within the system?
I want to seal a document in a public type case, how do I file this document?
What is the credit card service fee I am being charged when filing documents that require a filing fee?
What is the fee for copies?
What steps do I take when my client is filing for a waiver of filing fees?
What is the file size limit when filing documents?
How do I update a party's address?
How do we add ourselves as an attorney in an ongoing case for a pro se party or where we are substituting as counsel?
How do I remove myself as counsel of record in a case where I am no longer representing the party?
How is an indespensable party added to a case that has been appointed?
Family Court
How do parties pay ther basic parent education class fee?
Are certificates from Parent Education Classes going to be efiled?
How do we request and pay for duplicate hearing CD's in efile?
How do we send letters to Family Court in general?
How do I get corrections made in a case, i.e., parties, attorneys, documents, etc.?
Motions and Response to Motions
Why don't I see the motion when I'm trying to file a Response to Motion?
Software Updates
Software Release Notes (after 2023)
23.07.00 - July 18, 2023 WV E-File Updates
23.04.00 - April 4, 2023 WV E-File Updates
22.11.00 - November 29, 2022 WV E-File Updates
22.08.01 - August 30, 2022 WV E-File Updates
22.06.00 - June 1, 2022 WV E-File Updates
22.01.00 - January 25, 2022 WV E-File Updates
21.07.00 - July 13, 2021 WV E-File Updates
21.06.00 - June 2021 WV E-File Updates
21.05.00 - May 2021 WV E-File Updates
20.12.00 - December 2020 WV E-File Updates
20.09.00 - October 2020 WV E-File Updates
20.04.00 - April 2020 WV E-File Updates
20.03.00 - March 2020 WV E-File Updates
20.01.00 - January 29, 2020 WV E-File Updates
19.12.00 - December 17, 2019 WV E-File Updates
19.10.00 - October 29, 2019 WV E-File Updates
19.09.00 - September 17, 2019 WV E-File Updates
19.08.00 - August 15, 2019 WV E-File Updates
19.05.01 - May 21, 2019 WV E-File Updates